Roelof Uitenbogaardt has made a significant contribution to both the practice and education of architecture and city planning in South Africa.

After qualifying from the University of Cape Town (first class with distinction), Uytenbogaardt received the RIBA Prix de Rome (Rome Scholar) in 1957, so becoming the first South African architect to win this prize. The Kahn Scholarship and Penn Scholarship allowed him to further his studies under Louis I Kahn and David Crane at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Already as a student, Uytenbogaardt tended to inspire: David Crane wrote to Uytenbogaardt’s father that “Roelof is perhaps the most talented designer we have ever graduated at this school”.

His varied career also took him to Zambia where he worked as an architectural assistant at Koppel and Brown; to Rome; and after graduating from Pennsylvania in 1961, he was appointed 

as Chief Planning Designer at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. He returned to the US several times as visiting critic and guest lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard, and the Boston Architecture Centre.

As architect and urban designer he practiced both on his own, and in partnership first with PJ Pelser; in the 1970s with Andrew Macaskill
and Peter Schneider; and in the 1980s with Norbert Rozendal.

Professor Roelof Uytenbogaardt’s academic career started with his appointment as an assistant Studio Master at the University
of Cape Town when he returned to South Africa in 1963, and in 1985 he became Head of the programme in Urban Design and City Planning. He also served as the Head of Department, Deputy
Dean, and Dean of the Faculty of Art and Architecture.

Born 23 June 1933; † 11 June 1998
Education 1961: Masters in Architecture and Masters in City Planning, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA; 1956: Bachelor of Architecture, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape
Projects featured House Uytenbogaardt, Kommetjie, Western Cape (1990); Werdmuller Centre, Cape Town, Western Cape (1973)

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Kommetjie, Western Cape | 1990


Claremont, Cape Town, Western Cape | 1973